ISMAR 2018
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Dariusz Ruminski and Gudrun Klinker. Augmenting mixed reality applications with the vibro motors wearable. In Adjunct Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium for Mixed and Augmented Reality 2018 (To appear). 2018.


In this demo, we demonstrate the use of the mobile Vibro Motors Wearable device and we explain how it can be used to enhance Mixed Reality applications with tactile human-machine hand interactions. The presented device is capable of providing tactile feedback while interacting with virtual objects, e.g., when elements of a 3D user interface are touched. The device enables to run vibro motors mounted on a user's fingers while interacting with synthetic objects. In order to control the vibe of a particular vibro motor in a wireless manner, we have developed an HTTP-based API. The API can be used to develop mobile-tactile Mixed Reality applications to enhance user experience giving an impression of fading in/out effects when interacting with 3D objects. To show the device's capabilities, a 3D demo application has been developed in which the user can experience tactile feedback effects while interacting with virtual objects.